High-Speed Doors

High-speed doors – as standard with FU control

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CO₂-neutral products

We offer all garage doors, operators, entrance doors, internal doors, steel frames, steel doors for residential construction and storage systems as CO2-neutral products as standard at no extra charge. All industrial doors, operators, loading technology, construction project doors and perimeter protection systems are also available as CO2-neutral products upon request for an additional charge. Learn more about our sustainability strategy.

Hörmann high-speed doors are used both inside and as exterior doors to optimise the flow of traffic, improve room conditions and save energy. The Hörmann range includes both vertically and horizontally opening, transparent doors with a flexible curtain. They are also available in combination with sectional doors and rolling shutters, as well as with powerful, service-friendly spiral doors with smooth aluminium profiles.

Doors sometimes take up a large portion of commercial buildings. They thus offer substantial energy savings potential – for more information about the amortisation and retrofitting see the Hörmann energy savings compass.

Good reasons to try Hörmann high-speed doors

All advantages at a glance
